The purpose of this booklet is two-fold: 1. To set forth in a precise, yet simplified, manner the clear scriptural teaching about adultery. 2. To extend a helping hand of encouragement and hope for those caught in the ever tightening vise of adultery. Open and/or download PDF now . . .
An East Wind
The field of Bible prophecy provides many areas of interest today. Undoubtedly, one of the greatest prophecies to be fulfilled in our time — and still being fulfilled — is the restoration of the Jewish people to the Promised Land, highlighted by the miraculous re- establishment of the State of Israel in May, 1948. This… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
In this book, we will first consider the term “many antichrists.” Then we will look at some facts set forth in the Word of God regarding that specific person known as “the Antichrist.” Our concluding chapter will deal with an amazing Bible prophecy in which God clearly reveals by His wisdom and foreknowledge a most… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
Our subject is Armageddon. Even though the word “Armageddon” is used only once in the entire Bible, most people readily recall that it relates to prophetic events which are to occur at the close of this age. The kings of the earth are to be gathered to what the scripture terms in Revelation 16:14, “… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
Egypt: Trigger for Armageddon
Armageddon is a Biblical term emblematic of the great conflict between the forces of good and evil which will conclude this present age. Accord- ing to the Scriptural outline set forth in Daniel 11:40-45, several military campaigns will directly precede the literal return of Messiah to this earth. The main focal point of these campaigns… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
Every Knee Shall Bow
The Lord has recently spoken to my heart concerning what I consider to be one of the great principles of eternity. If every one of us could just grasp the truth of this eternal principle, it would answer many questions concerning our spiritual walk in the Lord. Jesus promised to give us the keys to… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
Flee Into the Mountains
In this book, you will be reading the thrilling biblical account of the supernatural preservation and deliverance of a large number of Jewish people during a soon coming time of great tribulation such as this world has never before seen. There are many areas of interest today in the scope of Bible prophecy. One of… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
One very essential element of abundant life is true friendship. Israel’s King Solomon, a man of great wisdom, wrote these words: “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). Open and/or download PDF now . . .
Israel! Israel! Israel! That name, on the basis of its multiplied usage in the Bible, certainly demands an emphasis in triplicate. Where did that name originate? What is its significance today? What about the future? Here are three very important, most interesting and often highly provocative questions regarding the nation of Israel. But, thank God,… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
It’s Time to . . . Run!
‘Behold YE among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in YOUR days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you’ These words are found in the beginning of the Old Testament book of Habakkuk, a powerful and amazing prophetic utterance that is only three chapters in… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
Jerusalem: A Cup of Trembling
The great Jewish prophet Zechariah was inspired of Almighty God to reveal many fantastic prophetic truths linked to the end of this age. He clearly foretells how control over the city of Jerusalem will be a most divisive and explosive issue among the nations. He uniquely describes Jerusalem as “A CUP OF TREMBLING,” an issue… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
I have been very richly blessed to serve my Lord in full-time ministry the past forty-five years. For the pastoral work, many open doors to evangelize, books, etc., I’m most grateful. I’ve had a deep personal desire for several years to write about the life of Me-phib-osheth. His example beautifully inspires us about the subject… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
Middle East Conflict
The purpose of this booklet is to present, strictly from a prophetic biblical perspective, what apparently will occur in the impending near future regarding this volatile Middle East situation. It is this writer’s humble opinion that literally hundreds of Bible prophecies from the lips of the Jewish prophets concerning Israel’s latter-day restoration have been unquestionably… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
Overcoming Oppression
Do you know someone reasonably close to you who is or recently has been the victim of oppression? Many of us would have to give an affirmative answer to this question, because oppression is commonly found in all lands, among every race of people, and in every walk of life— even among sincere Bible believers.… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
Pride of Life
Here in simple language, interestingly and illustratively set forth, is a journey into the important subject of pride. The Bible proclaims that it is Almighty God’s desire and perfect will to hide pride from our lives. May the truths presented herein serve as keys to guide you into a more abundant, happy and godly life. Open and/or download PDF now . . .
Russia’s Sudden Defeat
Over 2,500 years ago the Hebrew prophet Ezekiel was led by the Spirit of God to record an amazing prophecy of the end time — an attempted Russian-led invasion of the tiny nation of Israel. We are now living in an hour of history when this ancient prophecy can no longer be termed incredible! absurd!… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
Successful Fasting
The material presented in this booklet is not intended to be a thorough doctrinal study on the subject of fasting, but rather, a concise and practical and challenging exhortation which we pray will help and encourage every Christian to pick up this powerful weapon of fasting and — under the guidance of the Holy Spirit… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
Successful Prayer
This is an hour of history in which great breakthroughs in the development of destructive weaponry of immense proportions is now a reality. The Power was always available, it just had to be developed. Likewise, prayer is potentially to God’s people a powerful weapon of immense proportions. Th truths presented in the following pages can… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
There Was No Intercessor
Let me ask you this question: Have you ever found yourself meditating over a particular situation and seeing all the wrong and all the injustice in that particular situation and then wondering in your own mind, “Why does it have to be this way? ” or saying to yourself, “Why doesn’t the government or somebody… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
These Signs
“In my name shall they cast out devils (demons). ..” “…they shall speak with new tongues…” • .they shall take up serpents…” ▪ .and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them…” “…they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” Only 42 words, yet they are probably the most… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
Victory Over Anger
Anger and wrath have plagued mankind since the days of Adam and Eve. By way of definition, the English word anger means “a strong feeling of displeasure, usually antagonism, toward someone or something that hurts, opposes, offends or annoys.” The word wrath means “strong vengeful anger or indignation, rage or fury.” This study on the… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
Victory Over Despair
One of the most discouraging experiences which can take place in the life of a human being is despair. Simply defined, despair means the utter loss of hope. Few of us, if any, will live our total life without sometime coming face to face with this almost insur- mountable problem of despair. Recently, I have… Open and/or download PDF now . . .
Zionism in Conflict
The term “Zionism,” as quoted from one Jewish source, is simply defined as “the liberation movement of the Jewish people.” Zionism is the belief that the Jewish people, having come this far through a uniquely hazardous history, deserve the right to live together in freedom in their historical homeland and have a common religious and… Open and/or download PDF now . . .